Finishing Staceys' Fight: The Unsolved Murder Of Stacey Beth Colbert

This post was done in collaboration with Finishing Stacey's Fight. I want to thank them for allowing me to tell Stacey's story as well as all the support and faith they have shown in my work. I also need to thank my dear friend Meaghan Good from The Charley Project for loaning me out some resources I needed to be able to write this entry. Without them, This entry would not be possible. I dedicated Dancing Queen by Abba to the entry because I saw the picture of Stacey striking a pose in a dance outfit and that song popped in my head. And from what I read, Stacey loved "cheesy 80's music". 


A message from Finishing Stacey's Fight

Finishing Stacey's Fight:

The Unsolved Murder of Stacey Beth Colbert

Abba: Dancing Queen

Stacey Beth Colbert

Date of Birth: 

February 3rd 1975

in Chicago, Illinois


Larry & Ronna Colbert


Danielle Nusbaum


Governours Square Apartments at

4695 Braddock Ct, Columbus, OH

Stacey's Apartment was Located

at 1221 Waterford Dr.


Marketing Assistant w/

American Electric Power

Reported Missing:

March 24th 1998

Missing From:

Columbus, Ohio

(Delaware County)

Body Found:

November 27th 2004

(Identified through 

Dental Records)

Location Of Body:

Intersection of State Route 257

& Hopkins Rd. 

(Near Thompson Township)

Age At Time Of Death:


Stacey (Left) and her sister Danielle
Stacey, Ronna, and Danielle

“She always has a big, beautiful smile,” Ashley Knott told Dateline. “She was always, always, happy, you know -- a go-getter.”

Dancing Queen
About Stacey:

Stacey Beth Colbert was born on February 3rd 1975 to Larry and Ronna Lynn Spira-Colbert. Stacey and her sister Danielle grew up in Charleston, Illinois. Stacey was a sports girl. She enjoyed Tennis, Cheer Leading, and Football. Stacey graduated from Charleston High School and her life took off from there. Like her big sister Danielle, Stacey went on to attend Ohio State University and became part of the Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. Stacey was a big Ohio State Football fan despite not knowing much about the game itself. In 1998 Stacey graduated from Ohio State University and got a job as a Marketing Assistant with American Electric Power. And life seemed good.....

Friends: Stacey, Paula & Ashley

“I ran over to her apartment,” Danielle said. “Her apartment door was open a little bit. Her refrigerator was open and there was pizza on the counter, there was milk on the counter.”

Details Of Disappearance:

23 Year Old Stacey Beth Colbert was last seen by a Papa John's Delivery Driver at around 8 pm on Saturday March 21st 1998 at her apartment at the Governours Square Apartment Complex on Waterford Drive in Columbus, Ohio. The driver delivered a double order of bread sticks. When questioned the Delivery Driver stated he didn't see anyone other than Stacey at the apartment that night. But added that he had the feeling someone else was with her inside the apartment. In the early morning hours on March 22nd 1998 at around 4 am, Neighbors Bruce and Melanie Meckler-Jones who lived above Stacey heard what some reports describe as either a "scream" or "loud noises" coming from the residence below them. Some reports describe it as "muffled sounds". In one report it's said that the noise upset the neighbor so badly that they couldn't go back to sleep. The same day at around 2 pm another neighbor went to check on Stacey. They knocked on the door but got no response. The door wasn't closed. As a result, Stacey's kitten escaped through the door and was wandering around outside. Despite hearing the noises and being alarmed by them earlier that morning. Neither the neighbor, nor anyone who may have heard the noises bothered to call 911. Stacey was scheduled to work on Monday and Tuesday and failed to show up for work both days. As a result, Stacey's sister Danielle was notified. She rushed over to her sister's apartment and found the door was not closed all the way. (Wasn't latched) Upon entering the Apartment Danielle noticed the refrigerator door was open, Stacey's Keys were on the stove near the Pizza Box with most of the bread sticks still inside. Some of Stacey's clothes were scattered. Which was said to be not unusual for Stacey. There were no signs of a break in. Stacey's Purse along with her Credit/Debit Cards and $40 in uncashed checks were in Stacey's bedroom untouched. Stacey's car was still in the parking lot at the apartment complex. Parked in the usual spot. But Stacey was nowhere to be found. Danielle notified the police and the investigation began....

1221 Waterford Dr. on the left. Stacey lived downstairs

The Investigation

“We do have [it] in our possession at this point, that’s still being examined by the crime lab. Every year on, the DNA technology gets better.”

Law Enforcement didn't have much to go on other than the noises heard in the early morning hours on 22nd. As with most investigations. Law Enforcement began interviewing family and friends of Stacey. But it all seemed to lead nowhere. The delay in timing didn't help matters. Stacey was missing for 2 days prior to being reported missing. And so anniversaries came and went with no word on what happened to the bubbly 23 year old with an infectious smile. All her family could do is wait and hope they would one day get word on what happened to Stacey.

The Times Recorder: March 21st 1999
The Delaware Gazette: March 22nd 1999

November 27th 2004:

The Journey For Justice Begins.....

On Saturday November 27th 2004 a Thompson Township man by the name of John Hess was searching for his lost dog when he came up on the remains of a deceased person near the Intersection of State Route 257 & Hopkins Rd near Thompson Township. The remains were covered in debris. But not buried. According to property records, Workers had cleared brush in that area around 5 years prior to the discovery of Stacey's body. The workers did not report anything unusual.  Al Myers, The Sheriff at the time stated it was his guess that the remains were there between 2 & 5 years. Authorities were able to determine through dental records the remains were Stacey's. Authorities have since stated they believe the remains were there the entire time. Meaning Stacey was likely murdered and dumped there the night she disappeared and the workers clearing brush likely just missed her. It's honestly not uncommon for that to happen.

The Marion Star: December 2nd 2004

Urbana Daily Citizen: December 2nd 2004

The Marysville Journal-Tribune: December 3rd 2004

This is one of the more frustrating things about researching cases sometimes. Not all of the important details will be covered in the Newspapers and News Reports on the case. And a rule of mine is to try and avoid watching, listening, and reading other advocates work because I don't want it to affect my own work. Or look like i'm copying them. I'm honestly glad I did watch the video because those details are not provided anywhere in resources I was using. And I'll be honest here, I usually really loathe watching, reading, or listening to others work because others tend to focus on things that aren't important. And ignore things that are. But the Stay At Home Detectives did a fantastic job. I really recommend watching them. The last 2 key points outlined are actually discussed in the Dateline article on the case that can be read here.

Key Details Of Stacey's Murder

  • Stacey was supposed to go out on the night of the 21st, But wasn't feeling well and decided to stay at home.
  • Stacey's Apartment had a strong odor of bleach when Danielle arrived to check on Stacey.
  • When Authorities conducted their investigation at Stacey's residence. They observed a boot print on the inside of the front door.
  • Police are convinced that someone Stacey knew was with her in her apartment in the early morning hours of the 22nd.
  • 2 Pieces Of Jewelry were Missing from Stacey's remains. A Ring and a Sorority Necklace. Did the Murderer keep them?
  • The Police Department does have a piece of evidence with DNA on it. And it's continually tested every year.
  • Law Enforcement does have a suspect and detectives believe they know who killed Stacey. But they do not have enough evidence at this time for an arrest to be made.

Before getting into this part, I wanna tell readers in advance this guy was officially cleared of any involvement in Stacey's Murder. But he was one of the people looked at.

Alvin C. Graham
"Benny The Jet"

Date Of Birth:



Alvin Leroy Graham Sr.

Jacqueline Bowers

Current Address:

375 Davids St Marion, Oh  43302

"Do you know that missing sorority girl in Columbus?
She's not so missing."
Graham talking to his victim during a rape he was later convicted of.

Graham is an interesting person who Law Enforcement zeroed in on early in the investigation. In July of 1998 Graham plead Guilty of Rape, Aggravated Burglary and Attempted Rape involving 2 women. In one case Graham broke into the 22 year old woman's apartment in the middle of the night. The young lady worked at a bar that Graham frequented. He likely followed her home after she left work in the early morning hours of April 2nd 1998. The bartender left between 2:30 and 3 am. She was sleeping on the couch when Graham broke in and held a knife to her throat and raped her sometime after 5:30 am that morning. During the attack he said something interesting. "Do you know that missing sorority girl in Columbus? She's not so missing." He also told her during the rape they were gonna go for a ride. At some point the woman's dog created a distraction which enabled her to flee from the apartment. She went straight to the Police and filed a report. The very next day, Another woman reported that he had assaulted them as well. On February 10th 1998 the woman making the report stated she met Graham at a bar. She offered him a ride to his car. They both got into her vehicle and at one point Graham attacked her. Graham pretended he had a knife and held it to her throat. But it turned out to be a comb. He ordered her to get in the back of the van and to take her clothes off or he'd kill her. She simply told him no and started honking the horn. He exited the vehicle and ran off. Based on the matching description of both reports. Law Enforcement zeroed in on Graham on both attacks. In court the idiot claimed that he would fight the charges if he had the money. And had the audacity to tell the victim in court....
"It saddens me that you can take somebody's life away by lying."

Then he followed it up with.....

"One day we all got to stand before god....I didn't rape your daughter. Your daughter knows exactly what happened"
(He actually told the victims mother this)

Graham was later convicted and sentenced to 18 years in prison for the charges. He has served his time and has been released. Part of being a piece of trash is having to register as sex offender. So it wasn't hard to find him. I am told however that despite his claim of knowing Stacey. He was later cleared of any involvement via a Polygraph Test. I did include the articles related to him to be as complete as possible.

The Marion Star: April 8th 1998
The Marion Star: April 8th 1998
The Marion Star: April 25th 1998
The Marion Star: July 11th 1998
The Marion Star: July 10th 1998
The Marion Star: July 17th 1998

My Thoughts

I cannot stress enough the importance of being proactive. If you hear something odd like the neighbors did in those early morning hours. It's better to be safe than sorry. If the neighbors had called 911, They could've prevented Stacey's Abduction. Just like in the Evelyn Hartley case as well as the Nefertiri Trader case, And many more. One simple act of vigilance might've prevented a tragedy. This case reminds me a little of the Jennifer Kesse case. I believe it was someone inside the Apartment Complex that abducted and murdered Stacey. Likely someone she knew. Maybe someone she may have dated at one point. I was very sick when writing this. So I might add some things I probably missed later on down the road. Unfortunately, Stacey's dad passed away before seeing Justice for his daughter. But it's important that we continue to Fight for Justice much like Stacey did in those early morning hours on March 22nd 1998. I have twin daughters who turn 22 today. I can't fathom losing one of them like this. I will continue to Fight for Justice for Stacey and assist in any way I can to help Finishing Stacey's Fight in resolving this case.


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