1. Transcript of Taped Conversation at The Raven in La Farge, WI 1968-1969

    Whitey Barclay : …That’s about the time…. about the time you hauled that Hartley girl down there (unintelligible)…… [owner of house deleted] That right? 
    Clyde Tywee Peterson : …. I’s up on that deal. 
    Whitey Barclay: Huh? 
    Clyde Tywee PetersonI’s up on that deal. 
    Whitey BarclayYou was up or down? What…everything else [location deleted].
    Clyde Tywee Peterson: Up, up, up. 
    Whitey Barclay What do you mean, up? ---(deleted)---- why not? Why not? 
    Clyde Tywee Peterson: ….. dig up graves and everything else [location deleted].
    Whitey Barclaybut the thing is, you hauled her from La Crosse down to --( house location deleted)----and back to La Crosse…. huh? 
    Clyde Tywee Peterson: . no. 
    Whitey BarclayYou didn’t haul her back every time? 
    Clyde Tywee Peterson: …. no. 
    Whitey BarclayYou did haul her up there, though? 
    Clyde Tywee Peterson: ….. no witness….. no proof……. they haven’t found her, have they? 
    Whitey Barclay: I don’t give a sh-- (deleted)----about proof. 
    Unidentified Woman #1What girl? 
    Whitey BarclayThe Hartley girl. 
    Unidentified Woman #1What Hartley girl?
    Whitey BarclayYeah, well this is the Hartley girl that disappeared in La Crosse, and he hauled her to---( location deleted)---and she disappeared. 
    Whitey Barclay: He {unintelligible}…. You know damn right he all done it …… and I know it, and he told me with his own mouth.
    Unidentified WomanFrom La Crosse? 
    Whitey BarclayYeah. That’s the girl they never did solve the mystery on, see. 
    Whitey Barclay : I’ll tell you another thing that’s ridiculous, (unintelligible) won’t tell him… Jack Gaulthair he went crazy and shot himself. 
    Whitey Barclay : Yeah…. yeah… 
    Whitey BarclayHe knows about it, too. ---( name deleted)---- knows about it, and you know ---(deleted)---- is scared to death of his kids because he’s afraid he’s goin’ to kill {unintelligible}, and I think ---( deleted)---- knows about it, too. 
    Whitey Barclay: …. I’ll be damned… 
    Whitey Barclay: I think , I think she’s buried down there, too……. and old --( deleted)----is just scared of his kids! ---( name deleted)---- was the biggest man there was……. why is he scared of his kids?..... ‘cause he knew where she’s buried, didn’t he? You think I’m right or wrong? I…. I… can read between the lines Tywee….. and …. and… shut it off, shut it off. ~End of transcript