Abducted: What Happened to Nefertiri Renise Trader?

Abducted: What Happened to Nefertiri Renise Trader?

Continuing my focus on Delaware Cases. I picked Nerfertiri Renise Trader's case. I believe this case is solvable. Plus I absolutely love Neffie's first name. For those who love history. I believe Neffie's first name of Nefertiri is a variant of the Egyptian name Nefertiti. It basically translates into "The Perfect One Has Arrived". The name is supposed to embrace divinity, grace and beauty. Both names are absolutely beautiful. But I love Nefertiri as a name. And for the geeks reading this entry. There was a character named Nerfertiri in the series Highlander that aired back in the 90s. Whether or not that was her mom's intent. I am unsure. The Vanished did a decent job covering this case. You can listen to the episode here.

The News Journal: 11/17/2014

"He took her barefoot"


             Denise Trader-Neffie's Mom

              The News Journal: 11/17/2014

Nefertiri Renise Trader

" I want my child back home. We love her, We miss her and just want her back."

                                                         Denise Trader-Neffie's Mom

                                                         The News Journal: 11/17/2014

Missing Since:


Missing From:

New Castle, DE


52 Freedom Trail, 

New Castle DE 19720

(Saddlebrook Edition)

Date of Birth:

February 21, 1981

Height & Weight:

5'6 & 125 lbs

Hair & Eyes:

Both Brown


Ears are Pierced

*Graduated Wilmington

Christian School in 2000 

*Neffie worked in

Housekeeping at

Christiana Hosptial

She was on Leave at

the time of her


*Neffie was wearing a

Pink Jumpsuit at the



Left Arm, 

Lower Back 

& Right Side 

of Her Chest.



Case Number:




Doe Network:


Details of Disappearance

Notice that there is one way in and one way out of that sub division

(Neffie's Car: Delaware Tags 40489 is still missing)

"Had I known something was going on like that. I wouldn't have hesitated. It bothers me. I hope they find her."
Joe Robinson
Neffie's Neighbor

At around 3:30 am in the early morning hours of the 30th. 33 Year Old Nefertiri Renise Trader (known as "Neffie") left her residence at 52 Freedom Trail Rd in her vehicle, a 2000 Silver Acura RL with License Plates Tag Number 404893, to take a quick trip to the 7-Eleven located at 273 Airport Rd. in New Castle. (The 7 Eleven is no longer at that location.) Law Enforcement has confirmed that Neffie did indeed make some purchases at the 7 Eleven between 3:30 and 4 am that morning via the store's security footage. The purchases include:

The Route she would've had to take to get to the 7 Eleven
  • One pack of Newport Cigarettes
  • 2 Cups of Coffee (The daughter drank coffee with her mom in the morning. So this aspect is not out of the ordinary)
  • 1 Loaf of Bread
Neffie's Sandals

The Clerk at the 7 Eleven told Law Enforcement that Neffie was a regular customer that mostly came by in the evening. And it was rare to see her that early in the morning. After making her purchases, Neffie then proceeded home and entered the driveway of her home. This is where the evidence that was left on the ground as well as the neighbor's account will tell the rest of the story. Neffie got out of her car and walked towards her front door. Neffie alerted the motion sensor on the porch light. And it kicked on. She removed her flip flops by the front door and that's when the attack happened. This is when her neighbor Joe Robinson, who was alerted by the porch light coming on. Peered out his upstairs bedroom window. Mr. Robinson saw Neffie being forced into the back seat of her vehicle. The person forcing Neffie into the backseat of her car is described as a Male that was wearing Tanned Shorts and a Dark Hooded Sweatshirt. Mr. Robinson thought that Neffie might be sick and didn't think much of it. Neffie along with the unidentified man driving her car was already gone by the time Mr. Robinson had come down the stairs and out onto his porch. Not wanting to think the worst of what he saw. Mr. Robinson didn't call the Police. According to Law Enforecment, The last images of Neffie's car post abduction came from a Verizon Wireless Store at 100 North Dupont Highway in New Castle.

2 Cups Of Coffee

One thing I haven't been able to nail down is whether or not the coffee that was purchased by Neffie was sitting on the chair or whether they were spilled. Not that it makes much of a difference. I have heard conflicting reports on this aspect. This part initially frustrated me as I am very OCD about the facts I blog about. However, It doesn't make a lot of difference. Neffie had the time to remove her flip flops at the front door. And the way the known facts are arranged. They tell us Neffie probably didn't get the chance to enter the house. Whether the 2 Cups of Coffee were spilled or sitting there makes little difference. I've never heard Law Enforcement speak on the Cups of Coffee. However, Philadelphia News 10 stated the Cups of Coffee were "untouched". And that is said to come from Denise herself.

Scream or No Scream?

The series of events leading up to the neighbor getting up to witness Neffie's abduction is a point of contention depending upon which source you are using to research this case.....Some sources say he heard a scream. Others don't mention that aspect at all. Other reports done by podcasts and news stations (Such as ones interviewing Neffie's mom Denise) elaborate on what Mr. Robinson supposedly witnessed. Some even say he saw her being hit on the head. So take that for what it's worth. According to the Missing In America article there was a loud "shriek". According to the New Castle County Police Website. No "shriek" or scream is mentioned in the case summary.

Joe Robinson: The Neighbor

I want to be clear that I do NOT blame Mr. Robinson for not calling the police. Should he have? Yes, But the guilt the man must carry with him daily over this has to be punishment enough. But if anyone reading this sees a similar situation going forward. Always remember, It's better to be safe than sorry. As a result of this, No one was aware of Neffie's disappearance until later that day. This part is where it gets confusing. Because someone should have been alerted to Neffie's situation earlier than the police were. According to The News Journal, (11/17/2014) A relative of Neffie's was staying with Neffie at the time she was abducted. This is part of the paragraph regarding Neffie's abduction....

"Police did not hear about Nefertiri's abduction until later that day, when her mother called police because she had not heard from her. A family member staying at Nefertiri's had noticed the stomped loaf of bread and other debris in the front yard."

We aren't sure the timing of when the cousin saw this in the yard. Or what his course of action was upon seeing this. I'm not gonna blame the cousin as I won't blame the neighbor. Both should have acted. Denise Trader, Neffie's mom came to her daughter's house at approximately 6 pm that night after not being able to reach her daughter by phone. Neffie was on Medical Leave from her job at Christiana Hospital. Denise thought her daughter may have gone back to work early. (6 p.m. is around the time Neffie would usually be off work.) But that wasn't the case. Upon pulling into the driveway and exiting her vehicle she noticed some debris scattered about the driveway/front yard and on the porch. The loaf of bread that was stepped on. A pack of Newport Cigarettes and an unopened Condom were sitting on a chair on the front porch. Neffie's Flip Flops were next to the front door and apparently the house was deserted?

(Where did her kids go during this time? Not casting aspersions. I don't believe they know anything. The only reason I point this out is because I think the neighbor taking the brunt of the blame for not calling Law Enforcement is unfair.)

The Prior Evening: June 29th 2014 (Around 7:30 pm)

According to the Missing Found Podcast. Corey Trader, (Some reports call him William) Neffie's cousin was staying with her residence. And on the 29th, Neffie took him to work. She took him to work and she got back home in time to watch the BET Awards. I looked up the time the BET Awards aired. And they aired at 8 pm.

So it's safe to say she probably took him to work around 7:30ish. Either during or after the Awards show Denise and Neffie talked on the phone as to the events in the broadcast. Law Enforcement was alerted not long after Denise arrived at her daughter's deserted residence. Another interesting aspect of this case is from the same article.

"Trader (Denise) has become suspicious of strangers. As far as young men yes she said. Believing the abductor to be a young man. I'm quite sure he was."


"We suffer, as an agency, with this code of silence -- 'do not come forward, it's a big mistake to tell the police anything.' It’s a big mistake not to tell the police something," said Setting.

New Castle County Police Chief  Elmer Setting in 2015
Article can be read here

The FBI eventually became involved in the case. Which is interesting since they only usually get involved in Missing Persons cases when the person who is missing goes missing on Federal Property or is taken across State Lines, Or the Law Enforcement Agency investigating the Missing Persons Case requests it. That being said, Billboards soon went up that featured Neffie's case. As well as other Missing Persons Cases. The Billboards went along the I-95 corridor that went through Maryland and up into Connecticut. Despite this, No credible leads were ever reported. On March 29th 2017 Neffie was legally declared dead. Law Enforcement did this in an effort to help bring forward more leads regarding Neffie's disappearance.

Possible Suspect?

Prior to his killing spree, Prince was arrested 42 separate
times on a wide range of charges. Including Theft, Assault, and
Burglary. There is absolutely no reason this piece of trash should've
been out to kill anyone with the amount of prior arrests and charges he had.

Radee Labeeb Prince

On Wednesday October 18th 2017, Radee Labeeb Prince entered his workplace on his scheduled workday at Advanced Granite Solutions located at 2111 Emmorton Park Rd #2, Edgewood, MD and opened fire with a handgun that resulted in 3 people being killed. Bayarsaikhan Tudev, 53, of Virginia; Jose Hidalgo Romero, 34, of Aberdeen; and Enis Mrvoljak, 48, of Dundalk were all killed by Prince. The other two victims Enoc Sosa, 38, and Jose Gillen, 37 remained in critical condition but recovered. He targeted all 5 people with shots to their heads. Law Enforcement stated the ones who were shot were all targeted by Prince. After the shooting in Maryland, Prince proceeded back to Delaware where he shot Rashaun "Jason" Baul, Another acquaintance of his. Baul ran a car dealership in Wilmington. Baul survived the attempt on his life. Surveillance Video recorded Prince shooting Baul. Before fleeing the scene, Audio can be heard of Prince saying "Bleed Out Bitch" to Baul. 10 hours later Prince was apprehended by Law Enforcement while attempting to flee on foot. He tried to discard the firearm he used in the shootings earlier that day. Law Enforcement was able to retrieve it. Prince was later convicted of 3 Life Sentences for the murders of the 3 in Maryland. He was also convicted of multiple other charges. Needless to say he will rot away in prison like he deserves. 

Prince being apprehended

News Coverage of Prince's Arrest and Charges

Prince: "I have no idea."

(Prince when asked if he thought Neffie was in on the attack on him in 2014)

You're probably asking what this has to do in relation to Neffie's case? Well Neffie and a few others were part of a circle of friends that knew Prince. According to Prince's Defense Team, He developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of an attack on him that was ordered by none other than Rashaun "Jason" Baul. On February 22nd of 2014 outside the now closed Club Rebel Night Club located in Wilmington, Prince was attacked by a group of men and beaten up. Guess who was at the club with Prince at the time this occurred? If you guessed Neffie. You'd be correct. Apparently the 2 were sitting in Neffie's car when 5 or 6 Black Men pulled Prince from the passenger side of the car and began to beat him. Neffie apparently told Law Enforcement that she couldn't see the attack because it occurred behind her vehicle, Prince was on the ground, And she was intoxicated at the time. Prince sustained a large gash on his fore head as a result of the attack. But he wasn't killed. (Unfortunately) Neffie went missing 4 months after the attack on Prince at Club Rebel. Coincidence?

"I got Jason Baul before he got me."

Aftermath of Attacks

Prince changed as a result of the attack outside Club Rebel in 2014. According to his friends, He became paranoid and didn't trust anyone close to him. He was under the belief the attack at the nightclub was a result of a $10,000 hit Baul placed on him. It's worth noting that several of Baul's friends were murdered not long after the attack outside Club Rebel. However, None of them at this point have been linked to Prince himself. Of the names associated with Baul are.....

Nathaniel "Mase" Mangrum:

According to Prince. He was the leader of the gang. Mangrum was murdered by Tyerin A. Griffin at the Shades of Blue Bar and Lounge on April 1st 2016. Keivese Tolbert was also shot but survived. Tolbert was another that Prince named that was a friend of Baul.

According to the New Castle County Police Department Website. On Monday, February 16, 2015, at approximately 3 pm, Law Enforcement responded to a shooting at 19 Lambson Lane (Rose Hill Community Center). The victim was discovered inside the community center, suffering from a gunshot wound. The victim died at the scene. And this case is still unsolved.

New Castle County Police Department:  

(302) 395-8120

Case Number: 


On July 23rd 2015 James "Darryl" Rogers was murdered inside his Wilmington home by Taushia Mitchell who was 18 at the time. Mitchell
was later sentenced to 35 years in prison.

On October 26th 2018 Sean "MJ" Hammond was shot in the back and leg in the 600 block of 6th St in Wilmington. He died of his injuries. As far as I am able to ascertain. This case is still unsolved.


This case is solvable. There are people who know what happened to Neffie within the community of New Castle and the surrounding areas. This case suffers from a lack of integrity on the part of the people in the know. When disappearances like this happen within an urban area like this. There is this "no snitch" policy regarding the people in the know. And in my opinion they are just as complicit in Neffie's disappearance (As well as others) as the man who took her in those early morning hours on June 30th of 2014. Delaware is suffering from a continuous cycle of violence. And unless the citizens start taking a stand it won't come to an end. The police have voiced this. If you'll notice the chart above. They show the Crime Rates in New Castle covering violent crime from 2005 to 2018. Ironically, In 2014 there was a significant drop in violent crimes. The reason I point this out is because I do believe this was likely a planned attack. Do I think that Radee Prince was involved? Not sure. Unless he walked or had an accomplice it's unlikely. I doubt the accomplice aspect since he was suffering from paranoia at the time. I think someone saw Neffie leave that morning. Someone that was living or staying in that neighborhood at the time. The area isn't the easiest to get to if you don't drive. The highway is right there. And there were no reports of other cars being seen in the area around the time Neffie was abducted. There was a neighbor who was reported to have a camera facing the street. However, It was turned off at the time. (For some reason) I think the car is a big key to figuring out what happened to Neffie. There are various Bodies of Water in New Castle County. Seems safe think that where Neffie's car is. She may be as well. This entry was exhausting. Most of the information is scattered among various podcasts and news reports. You won't find all of what you need looking at news articles like most cases.

News Coverage

Notice how the one man mentions the "Code of Silence" which is prevalent inside Urban America
and other areas.

Official Missing Poster

Neffie's Facebook Page

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