Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
1st John 14: 1-7
Jane's Favorite Scripture was the 23rd Psalm
The 1992 Murder of Jane Willis Stewart
In Wilmington, Delaware
Jane Willis Stewart
March 8th 1945
Silas Moore (October 14th 1909-May 13th 1963)
& Lavinia Brown
(Married-March 8th 1929)
(Divorced-February 2nd 1963)
(The couple had been separated
since 1945)
Virginia Weeden
Lillian Moore
Mary Alice Smith
Marion Charity
Silas Moore Jr.
Alfred Stewart Sr.
(Estranged at the Time)
Alfred Miller Stewart Jr.
(Born: September 1st 1958)
Margaret Ann Stewart
(Born: November 5th 1961)
Kenneth Van Stewart
(Born: December 30th 1962)
Michelle Stewart
(Born: November 11th 1964)
Annette Seeney
(Born July 17th 1966)
Son In Law:
(Divorced from Annette in
October of 1995)
(Date Of Birth: 2/7/1965)
Currently owns Seeney Electric
Teacher's Aide at
Superior Cleaning Service
Date Of Murder:
September 24th 1992
(Body Found at 7:20 am
by her daughter)
Cause of Death:
Strangulation by Telephone Cord
Address of Murder:
Early Life
Jane Willis Moore was born to Silas Moore and Lavinia Brown on March 8th 1945 in King William County, Virginia. Jane was the youngest of the six Moore children. Jane received her early education from the King William County Public Schools. On October 2nd 1959, At the age of 15, Jane married her husband, Alfred Stewart in Virginia and the couple soon relocated to Delaware to start a family and new life. On September 1st 1958 the couple had their first of their five children. A son they named Alfred Miller Stewart Jr. And a little over 3 years later, On November 5th 1961 the couple had their first daughter. They named her Margaret. And the kids kept coming. A little over a year later, On December 30th 1962 the couple introduced their second son, Kenneth. And less than 2 years after that, The couple had their second daughter. The Stewart's named her Michelle. And the couple's final child, Annette Stewart was born on July 17th 1966. At some point, The marriage became estranged. And Jane began living by herself. However, They never divorced and it appears they remained on good terms until Jane's untimely death.
Details Of Murder
In the early morning hours of September 24th 1992, At around 12:30 am. 47 Year Old Jane Stewart must've heard some noises downstairs and got up to investigate the source. Jane was married but at the time she lived alone. According to reports, Either an intruder or intruders entered the house at 532 E. 35th St. through the basement door. Jane must've surprised the intruder(s), Because according to reports. Evidence suggested that they initially tried to hide. But they weren't quick enough. It was then, When Jane came upon the intruder(s). Apparently as a result of this, The intruder(s) panicked. At some point, Jane was hit on the head. Then she was bound and strangled with a telephone cord. One of several very important details was there was no sign of forced entry. Nor was there any signs of sexual assault. And nothing was taken from the residence. Nothing was even disturbed. Nothing was ransacked. Jane's purse which had money in it was untouched. At around 7:20 am that same morning, Jane's 27 year old daughter Annette dropped by her mother's house to either drop off her kids, or check on her mom. The reports are conflicting regarding this. Upon entering the kitchen Annette came upon her mother's lifeless body laying on the floor. Jane was bound by the hands and feet. Understandably, Annette became hysterical upon discovering her mom's body. And began screaming for help. She pushed/broke open a downstairs window in the kitchen and began screaming for help. Alerting Jane's neighbors of her discovery. Law Enforcement soon arrived and cordoned off the crime scene and the investigation began. Neighbors were questioned as to whether they saw or heard anything at the time Jane was murdered. Jane's next door neighbor at 530 E. 35th St, A woman by the name of Regina Kennedy stated she did hear some noises around that time. She had been doing laundry.
"I heard some noises like wood breaking, or someone with a hammer, about 12, 12:30 in the morning. Then I heard something, like, falling on the steps, I thought it was probably some of the grandchildren."
The Only Lead: An Abandoned Car
According to reports, There was a car that was found abandoned near Stewart's residence which was registered to her son in law, Ronald Seeney Sr. Ronald Seeney was married to Annette Seeney (The daughter who discovered her mom's body) at the time. (The couple later divorced.) This is where it gets interesting. When Law Enforcement questioned Ronald Seeney, He stated another man "stole" his car the night of the 23rd. Apparently the two used it to visit Northeast Boulevard. At some point Ronald got out of the car and the man drove off in his car. When questioned as to the man's identity, Ronald stated he didn't know the man's name...... That's not a typo. You read that correctly. He DIDN'T know the man's name.... And apparently, Law Enforcement bought his story. But the good news is he did help them with a composite sketch. Law Enforcement is on record stating Ronald can't account for his whereabouts that night consistently. "But that's his story, And we have no evidence that it's not true." They also stated they have looked for the driver of the car. But they had no success. (You can't make this shit up) The car did have some prints that were left in it. However, When Law Enforcement ran the prints. They quickly ran into a dead end. With few leads to go on, Law Enforcement decided to give the immediate family polygraphs. They all passed and they all cooperated. Whether Ron was given one is not information that is available at this time.
Even though Law Enforcement had a possible lead with the "abandoned" car. Nothing major came in regarding leads. Jane Willis Stewart's services were held on October 2nd 1992 at the New Mount Olive Methodist Church in Wilmington. Jane's Funeral was held on October 3rd 1992 in her home town of King William County Virginia where she was laid to rest. And as the days, months, and years proceeding the murder ticked away. Law Enforcement came no closer to solving the murder of Jane Willis Stewart. Her family is still baffled by the murder of the woman who touched so many lives at Castle Hills Elementary where she worked as a Teacher's Aide.
It is worth noting that there was an influx of homicides that occurred in that immediate area of Wilmington at the time Jane was murdered. During a 4 month period, There were a total of 3 homicides. When questioned on this. Law Enforcement stated they did not believe Jane's murder to be connected to those others. But they wouldn't rule it out either. The other 2 murders are still unsolved to this day. The Murder of Charlotte E. Murphy Soto and The Murder of Linda Ann Moody Armstrong. Neither case has much online regarding them. When you take into account the abandoned car that was found near Jane's residence that was registered to her son in law. I'd have to agree with the analysis that Jane's murder is unrelated to the other homicides. I might end up doing write ups on those other two murders at some point. Now I'm sure you're asking what else did the investigation uncover since 1992. Nothing. That's it. Her murder is still unsolved. This is why this case infuriates me. I'm gonna save the really good part of this analysis until I hear back from a few people. However, I would like to point out that there was no real reason to kill Jane. She would've given the intruder(s) anything they wanted. The only reason to kill her would be that she could recognize them.....Or.....She did recognize the intruder(s). Nothing was taken. Jane had a set schedule. She worked at the schools and for a cleaning service part time. She had a pretty basic schedule. According to her kids. She arrived home at around 9:30 pm on her working days. According to newspaper accounts she received a call from her oldest son around that time and everything seemed fine. So we have to reason that this person(s) waited until she came home to enter her home. There was no sign of forced entry. Nothing stopped them from robbing Jane's home when she was at work. Assuming they knew her schedule. Even after Jane was murdered. Nothing was reportedly taken from the residence. So we can assume that either robbery wasn't the motive. Or it was initially, And they panicked after the murder and left the scene. I've reached out to a few people regarding this. So I have to behave regarding what I publish in this entry. At least in the meantime.